Several Federal, Cantonal and internal legal texts (formal laws, regulations and policies) apply to UNIL and CHUV’s research and promotion activites (non-exhaustive list):
For further information about some of these texts, please go to the “Consult Institutional policies” page under “Researcher“.
A summary of UNIL-CHUV IP policies in English is available here.
Applicable to both CHUV and UNIL:
- 2009 Règlement de la valorisation des résultats de la recherche UNIL CHUV
- 2010 Directive relative aux contrats et à la valorisation de la recherche UNIL-CHUV
Applicable to CHUV:
- 2017 Loi sur les Hospices cantonaux
- 2023 Contrats conclus entre le CHUV et un tiers en matière de recherche, de services scientifiques et de sponsoring
- 2021 Directive overhead CHUV
- 2022 Directive activités accessoires et leurs revenus CHUV
- 2014 Directive et Formulaire conflits d’intérêts CHUV
Applicable to UNIL: