
Prof. Tozzi nous parle du Rolling Heart sur la RTS

July 20, 2018

Le Professeur Piergiorgio Tozzi, médecin adjoint au Service de chirurgie cardiaque du CHUV et professeur associé à la Faculté de biologie et de médecine de l’UNIL, est en train de développer un cœur artificiel tout à fait étonnant, le Rolling Heart. Grâce au soutien du PACTT, un brevet a été déposé afin de protéger cette invention.

Découvrez l’interview du Prof. Tozzi dans l’émission CQFD de la RTS :

Two new InnoTREK grants awarded to Semira Gonseth Nusslé and Florentin Coppey

July 12, 2018

In response to the 2018 spring call InnoTREK, Mrs. Semira Gonseth Nusslé and Mr. Florentin Coppey submitted two innovative projects. They were both chosen to benefit from the InnoTREK grant of CHF 100’000.-. These funds will be a great help to continue developing their project and subsequently create their own start-up.

The project of Semira Gonseth Nusslé, named “Genknowme”, is based on the identification of epigenetic markers linked to alcohol and tobacco consumption and their interaction with the genome. Mrs. Gonseth proposes to develop a test based on these markers to assess the real biological impacts of tobacco or alcohol consumption that potential customer can use as informative and motivational tools. The test will require a drop of blood at the fingertip, which is less invasive than the other proposed medical procedures. The results of the test will raise the customer’s awareness and increase their motivation to control or stop their consumption of tobacco or alcohol.

Mrs. Gonseth will be hosted in Prof. Bochud’s laboratory in the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine at the CHUV.

Florentin Coppey’s project aims to refine a prototype capable of instantly identifying and quantifying narcotics in the field without the need for heavy laboratory equipment. This small device has the advantages of being able to accurately identify all common narcotics and analyze them in less than one second without destruction in a cost effective way. It also allows profiling various drug takings. This project responds to a market need with, among other things, the emergence of legal cannabis and the need to differentiate it from illegal cannabis.

Mr. Coppey will be hosted at the School of Criminal Sciences (ESC), in the laboratory of the drugs expert group under the supervision of Prof. Pierre Esseiva. The ESC is part of the Faculty of Law of the University of Lausanne.

For additional information on Florentin Coppey, please check the following news published by UNIL:

The InnoTREK grant, managed by PACTT with the financial support of FIT (Fondation pour l’Innovation Technologique) as part of the InnoPACTT fund, supports selected researchers of UNIL and CHUV who have the ambition to venture into the business world with their innovative projects. These successful projects are chosen in a competitive process from applications received during the two calls per year. Since the launch in 2013, 16 laureates of UNIL and CHUV have benefited from the InnoTREK grant.

Useful links:




AgroSustain, a spin-off created by Olga Dubey with the support of UNIL and PACTT (InnoTREK)

July 3, 2018

During her Ph.D. at UNIL, biologist Olga Dubey discovered molecules with fungicidal properties. Thanks to the support of UNIL and PACTT, she could benefit from the InnoTREK grant (CHF 100’000.-) and was then able to found her own spin-off, AgroSustain. The goal of AgroSustain is to develop organic treatments against broad range of fungal pathogens affecting plants, for which there is currently no effective organic treatment. Since she benefited from the InnoTREK grant, Olga Dubey successfully won several additional prices.

PACTT wishes full success to Olga and her new spin-off!

The InnoTREK grant, managed by PACTT with the financial support of FIT (Fondation pour l’Innovation Technologique) as part of the InnoPACTT fund, supports selected researchers of UNIL and CHUV who have the ambition to venture into the business world with their innovative projects. These successful projects are chosen in a competitive process from applications received during the two calls per year. Since the launch in 2013, 14 laureates of UNIL and CHUV have benefited from the InnoTREK grant.

Useful links :





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Academia-Industry Training India Camp

June 19, 2018

For the 5th time, Venturelab, together with the ZHAW (Zurich University of Applied Sciences), offers 10 “Scientrepreneurs” the chance to discover the market potential of their applied research in India.

The AIT program aims to support scientists in transforming their high-level applied research into market application and discovering their entrepreneurial potential. By connecting scientists from top institutions in Switzerland and India, the program promotes an international network and enables access to one of the most promising markets and intellectual capitals in applied research.

This discovery program takes place in two phases, the first one at the beginning of December 2018 in Bangalore, India, and the second phase in April 2019 in Switzerland.

The program is entirely free, but participation to both weeks is required.

Registration deadline: July 12th, 2018

For more information:

Flyer AIT India

Première implantation de Kalios, l’anneau mitral ajustable inventé au CHUV par l’équipe du Prof. Tozzi

February 13, 2018

Kephalios, la société française de medtech, a annoncé la première implantation chez l’homme de Kalios, son nouveau dispositif développé afin d’améliorer les résultats de la réparation chirurgicale de la valve mitrale.

L’anneau mitral ajustable a été initialement conçu et développé au CHUV avec des études pré-cliniques par l’équipe du Professeur Tozzi et son développement s’est ensuite poursuivi en France grâce au soutien de la société Kephalios. Ce dispositif permet la correction d’une insuffisance mitrale résiduelle ou récidivante, après chirurgie, sans devoir réopérer le patient. Ce procédé est considéré comme une avancée majeure dans le traitement non-invasif de l’insuffisance mitrale.

Les droits d’exploitation de cette invention sont gérés par le PACTT, l’office de transfert de technologie commun à l’UNIL et au CHUV.

Pour lire la dépêche de APM news, cliquez ici.

Applications for two venture leaders programs are open

January 25, 2018

Venture leaders Life Science 2018 in Boston

The program is an intense one-week roadshow to meet US experts and investors with a team of great Swiss based entrepreneurs, from May 27th to June 3rd, 2018.

Register online until March 5th, 2018. For more information please click here and to apply here.

Venture leaders China 2018 (Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen and Hong Kong)

For Swiss startups, China is a key market to explore. You want to discover the business potential of your innovative product/service in this huge market? Venture leaders China will help you pitch your business to investors, experts and understand the “Chinese way” of doing business. Including participation at the World Economic Forum (WEF)

Register online until March 19th, 2018. For more information please click here to apply here.


January 23, 2018

The SwissCompanyMaker consortium’s next workshop will be held on April 17, 18 and 25, 2018 in Bern.

This workshop invites aspiring entrepreneurs with very early to early high-technology entrepreneurial ideas in science and technology and prepares them for the entry into the existing Swiss start-up promotion ecosystem.

More info:

Deadline for application: February 11, 2018

Application form: here

Limited number of teams participating: 12


Application and participation to the workshop is free of charge.

New InnoTREK grant awarded to Daniel Blessing

December 15, 2017

In response to the 2017 autumn call InnoTREK Mr. Daniel Blessing (right) submitted an innovative project on the development of cardiac-specific vectors. Hosted in the experimental cardiology department at the University Hospital of Lausanne of Professor Thierry Pedrazzini (left), the financial support of the InnoTREK grant allows the laureate to mature this technology towards a start-up project over the coming year. The vectors to be developed are intended to reinforce a therapeutic approach developed by Thierry Pedrazzini (left) and Samir Ounzain (center) to treat cardiac diseases with long non-coding RNAs.

Together they will drive forward their project “HaYa Therapeutics”, an innovative technology that consists in the development and testing of a first-in-class biopharmaceutical therapy to treat heart failure and that was recently distinguished as one of the Gold Winners of the MassChallenge 2017 Switzerland.

The InnoTREK grant, organized by the PACTT with the support of the FIT as part of the InnoPACTT fund, supports selected researchers of UNIL and CHUV who have the ambition to venture into the business world with their innovative projects. These successful projects are chosen in a competitive process from applications received during the two calls per year. Since the launch in 2013, 13 laureates of UNIL and CHUV have benefited from the InnoTREK grant.

Useful links :
