
PACTT congratulates CHUV MassChallenge laureates HaYa and Lymphatica

December 1, 2017

We are proud to announce that HaYa and Lymphatica, two start-up projects from the University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV), are amongst the gold winners of the MassChallenge Switzerland.

HaYa Therapeutics is developing a first-in-class biopharmaceutical therapy to treat heart failure. The project is the result of a strong and dynamic collaboration between Thierry Pedrazzini (right), Samir Ounzain (center) and Daniel Blessing (left).

Lymphatica Medtech SA, founded by Marco Pisano (right) and Valentina Triacca (center), is developing a micropump-based medical device for treatment of lymphedema, a chronic, disabling side effect of anti-cancer therapies. Marco Pisano was supported by the spring 2016 InnoTREK grant.

PACTT wishes full success to both teams!

Useful links :

Masschallenge website

Le Temps press release

Lymphatica website

A first patient with primary liver cancer has been treated with a technology invented at the CHUV and licensed to Biocompatibles by the PACTT

November 16, 2017

In August 2015, PACTT was pleased to announce the signature of a license agreement and a development collaboration between CHUV and Biocompatibles International plc, part of the specialist healthcare company BTG plc, for a technology developed by Professor Alban Denys at the Radiodiagnostic and Interventional Radiology Unit at the CHUV. The technology enables the treatment of liver cancer using X-ray imageable microscopic beads loaded with a targeted anti-cancer drug placed directly in the liver

The UCL Cancer Institute and BTG plc have now begun to enroll patients into the first clinical trial. For Professor Denys “it is a great satisfaction to see this technology now entering the clinical stage, providing patients with liver cancer hope for additional treatment options.”

Tor read the complete presse relase, please click here.

For BTG website, please click here.


Business Ideas – dans la peau d’un entrepreneur

October 17, 2017

Venez découvrir des personnalités de l’entrepreneuriat et laissez-vous inspirer par leur success story.

La rencontre se déroulera le jeudi 9 novembre de 12h à 14h à l’UNIL, Amphimax 410.

Pour de plus amples informations et inscriptions, merci de cliquer ici.


The AgroSustain project wins the first phase of Venture Kick

September 1, 2017

The AgroSustain project, supported by an Innotrek grant from the PACTT, has just won the first phase of Venture Kick. Thus, it obtains an amount of CHF 10’000.- allowing it to further progress on its lead compound : an organic fungicide to control a widespread and destructive grey mold disease “AgroSustain”.

Consequently, the project developed by Mrs Olga Dubey will be able to apply for the second phase of Venture Kick with a CHF 20’000.- grant. In the meantime, Mrs Dubey continues the development and testing of her novel experimental screening assay for the identification of organic pesticides coupled to state-of-the-art computational methods

Useful links :



InnoPACTT Fund: One InnoTREK granted to a UNIL Researcher

August 29, 2017

“AgroSustain”, an innovative project submitted by Mrs Olga Dubey in response to the 2017 spring call InnoTREK, has been selected and will be supported by the InnoTREK grant. This financial support allows the laureate to mature her technology towards a start-up project over the coming year.

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Venturelab’s Startup Acceleration Workshops

August 11, 2017

Get the know-how and tools required to accelerate the development of your startup. Join a unique acceleration program given by experienced entrepreneurs and connect with other startup founders.

For more information and application, please click here.