Venturelab, a swiss start-up Accelerator, has opened the applications for the following venture leaders programs :
For more information, please click here or download the flyer here.
For more information, please click here download the flyer here.
Indépendamment de l’offre de bureaux et d’incubation, vous avez accès à des « outils » et compétences disponibles dans ces technopôles, sans nécessairement y être installé. Comme par exemple, utiliser une imprimante 3D métal pour du prototypage.
lundi 14 novembre 2016
Auditoire 1129 @ Anthropole
Université De LAUSANNE (UNIL)
Entrée libre mais inscription obligatoire.
Dès 17h30
Verre de bienvenue et remise des badges.
Présentation des technopôles:
Y-Parc, Biopôle, EPFL Innovation Park, Technopôle de Sainte-Croix,
TecOrbe et Ateliers de Renens.
Dès 19h
Cocktail dînatoire et démos d’entreprises basées dans les parcs d’innovation.
Nous vous recommandons d’utiliser les transports publics:
M1 arrêt UNIL-Dorigny. Parking payant à disposition.
Pour toute question:
Autumn CALL 2016 You are a UNIL-CHUV scientist and would like to create a start-up and need a financial support to start
Apply for 100’000 CHF, a one-year InnoTREK grant to launch your project!
PACTT, Technology Transfer Office of UNIL-CHUV, is calling for start-up projects for the InnoTREK grant, part of InnoPACTT, a financial fund to accelerate innovation and UNIL-CHUV spin-off creation. With this InnoTREK support, PACTT wants to encourage researchers with innovative ideas to jump into the entrepreneurship adventure.
Deadline for application: October 10, 2016
Documents available on:
For more information please contact us on:
Phones: 021.314.39.84/021.314.49.58/021 314.82.19
Lymphatica received the 3rd award at Venture competition 2016 in business plan category.
Marco Pisano is supported by the funds InnoPACTT and the grant Innotrek.
You can watch the video presenting the company here
More information on:
“Lymphatica”, an innovative project submitted by Mr Marco Pisano in response to the 2016 spring call InnoTREK, has been selected and will be supported by the InnoTREK grant. This financial support allows the laureate to mature his technology towards a start-up project over the coming year.
Hosted in the laboratory of Professor Lucia Mazzolai in Angiology Department at the CHUV, Marco Pisano will further develop his project “Lymphatica”. His innovative technology consists in the development and testing of an artificial lymphatic vessel to treat serious lymphatic disturbances. Such dysfunctions cause pathological states in which lymphatic vessels are partially or totally impaired, resulting in acute or chronic edemas that are often debilitating and painful.
The InnoTREK grant, organized by the PACTT with the support from the FIT as part of the InnoPACTT fund, supports selected researchers of UNIL and CHUV who have the ambition to venture into the business world with their innovative projects. The successful projects are chosen in a competitive process from applications received during the two calls per year. Since the launch in 2013, 10 laureates of UNIL and CHUV have benefited from the InnoTREK grant.