Une récompense financière et une visibilité pour votre entreprise.
La date limite pour présenter votre dossier est le 8 janvier 2016, 12h.
Une récompense financière et une visibilité pour votre entreprise.
La date limite pour présenter votre dossier est le 8 janvier 2016, 12h.
London, UK, Lausanne, Switzerland, 24 September 2015, MRC Technology and the University of Lausanne are collaborating to find new drug treatments for diffuse large B cell lymphoma, the most common type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
MALT1 (Mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma translocation protein 1), an immunomodulatory enzyme, is required for the effective triggering of an immune response. However, dysregulation of MALT1 is also associated with some subsets of lymphoma, including diffuse large B cell lymphoma, suggesting that MALT1 could be a promising drug target for these types of cancer.
Professor Margot Thome-Miazza, Associate Professor, University of Lausanne said: “We have previously identified a novel way of regulating the catalytic activity of MALT1 via a protein modification called ubiquitination. We are now working with MRC Technology to harness this regulatory mechanism and discover small molecule inhibitors that specifically interfere with the ubiquitin-linked form of MALT1.”
Justin Bryans, Director, Drug Discovery, MRC Technology said: “It is encouraging that we can build on the work of the University of Lausanne and bring new treatments to patients. These drugs could potentially also treat other types of lymphoma associated with MALT1 over-activity, for example MALT lymphoma and Mantle Cell lymphoma.”
Céline Lafourcade, Licensing manager at Powering Academia-industry Collaborations and Technology Transfer (PACTT) explained: “MRC Technology with its unique capabilities constitutes an ideal partner to further develop this innovative technology emanating from academic research.”
MALT1 inhibitors may also have wider therapeutic applications owing to MALT1’s role in immune regulation, and could potentially be used to limit overactive immune reactions in autoimmune diseases.
Céline Lafourcade
Licensing manager
E: celine.lafourcade@chuv.ch
T: +41.21.314.49.58
At MRC Technology
Liezel Tipper
PR and Communications Manager
E: liezel.tipper@tech.mrc.ac.uk
T: +44 (0)20 7391 2772
About MRC Technology
MRC Technology is an independent life science medical research charity committed to drastically improving positive patient outcomes everywhere. As a champion for human health, MRC Technology partners with academic, biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and charity organisations to move promising medical research forward into viable and accessible patient treatments. Our people combine commercialisation and IP management skills with diagnostic and drug discovery expertise, specialising in small molecule and therapeutic antibodies. MRC Technology projects have led to the approved drugs Tysabri®, Actemra®, Entyvio® and Keytruda®, changing the lives of countless patients by harnessing the potential of science.
About the University of Lausanne
The University of Lausanne (UNIL) is composed of seven faculties, active in the field of Medicine, Life Sciences, Geosciences, Environment, Business, Humanities and Social Sciences. Approximately 14,000 students and 2,800 researchers, including 500 professors, study and work on its three campuses. The University of Lausanne comprises more than 180 teaching or research units that are working on projects of national and international significance. Interdisciplinarity (clinical science and fundamental sciences) within the Faculty of Biology and Medicine (FBM) is the key factor to open, fluid research, which has placed Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) and the University of Lausanne at the forefront of life sciences.
Founded in February 2000, PACTT (Powering Academia-industry Collaborations and Technology Transfer) is the joint technology transfer office of the University of Lausanne (UNIL) and the University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV). The primary mission is to transfer the researchers’ innovations to the economy for public benefit.
(source: MRCT)
Autumn CALL 2015 You are a UNIL-CHUV scientist and would like to create a start-up and need a financial support to start
Apply for a one-year InnoTREK grant to launch your UNIL-CHUV spin-off!
PACTT, Technology Transfer Office of UNIL-CHUV, is calling for start-up projects for the InnoTREK grant, part of InnoPACTT, a financial fund to accelerate innovation and UNIL-CHUV spin-off creation. With this InnoTREK support, PACTT wants to encourage researchers with innovative ideas to jump into the entrepreneurship adventure.
Documents available on:
For more information please contact us on:
Phones: 021.314.39.84
021 314.82.19
On June 23rd, the seventh edition of Bioinnovation Day was held at the CHUV in Lausanne. Bioinnovation Day provides a platform for scientists and start-ups to present their life science projects to potential investors and partners from the industry. It was first held in 2006 in Geneva, and has since welcomed more than 150 innovative projects. Held every other year, the seventh edition was organized by PACTT, the Technology Transfer Office of UNIL-CHUV.
This year, over 200 participants attended the meeting. It was organized around several keynote speakers, and gave 34 researchers the opportunity to present their projects in five-minute-long pitches. The poster sessions, which took place in a friendly atmosphere during the breaks, offered participants more information on the projects, and gave them the opportunity to network, exchange ideas and discuss.
The presentations were divided into four sessions related to Human Therapeutics, Research Tools, Medical Devices, and Digital Health and Diagnostics. During the first session, a roundtable discussion was held by four investors: Tom Gibbs from Debiopharm Diagnostics, Thomas Goebel from Neomed, Michèle Ollier from Index Ventures and Otello Stampaccia from Omega Funds. They gave advice on what should be considered when developing a new product and at which stage of development potential investors should be contacted. All of them agreed that the time and money needed for establishing a new start-up should not be underestimated.
Philippe Dro from GlycoVaxyn and Vincent Charlon from Anergis SA presented their companies’ histories and how they got where they are today. One important point that came out of the discussion was that even with a very good achievable and customizable idea, the circumstances must be beneficial in order to succeed.
The 34 project pitches were given by researchers from public and private institutions aiming to create start-up companies, as well as investigators from existing companies seeking additional investments. The projects were highly diverse: from a surface treatment for implants which improves the integration of the implants into living bone by mimicking bone-like characteristics, to a new technique for separation of different cell types, of which the first application will be to isolate sperm cells from samples obtained from rape victims in order to identify the DNA profile of the offender. Other innovations included a comfortable and discrete insulin delivery system for diabetes patients, a device for skin cancer screening, and a simple and cheap sterilization system for medical instruments in hospitals in developing countries.
Each year that the event is held, a jury of nine scientists evaluate innovative projects from western Switzerland in order to award the Bioinnovation-Eclosion Prize, which for the second time, included a cash award of CHF 10,000. The jury selects a number of projects and invites spokespeople to present them before the event in order to determine the winner. This year, it was awarded to Gilles Weder from CSEM (Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique SA) for his work on a sensor for measuring the oxygen concentration in cell and tissue cultures.
Source: Site Geneva Business News
PACTT is pleased to announce that CHUV has entered into a license agreement with Biocompatibles, part of specialist healthcare group BTG International, focusing on the treatment of liver tumors, severe blood clots, varicose veins and advanced emphysema.
The agreement covers know-how and a patent protected, sustained release technology as well as sustained release drug product candidates that address unmet medical needs in embolization of a variety of hypervascularized tumors. In addition, CHUV and Biocompatibles are currently pursuing a development program under additional consulting and service agreements.
The goal of the collaboration is to develop a new class of anti-tumor devices aiming to induce severe ischemia coupled with a very high concentration of anti-angiogenic agents in the tumor periphery. “We hope for our patients that this new technique will improve the treatment of primary liver cancers” says Alban Denys, principal investigator and professor at the department of medical radiology at the CHUV. This innovative approach has recently been awarded by both, the Journal of Vascular and Interventional Radiology (JVIR outstanding laboratory research 2014) and by the European Society of Interventional Radiology (CIRSE award of excellence and innovation in interventional radiology 2015).
Two innovative projects from the 2015 spring call have been awarded the InnoTREK grant, a financial support that will allow the laureats to mature their ideas towards a start-up project.
Hosted by Professor Buclin, Division of Clinical Pharmacology at the CHUV, Séverine Petitprez will further develop the software EzeCHiel that will assist physicians in monitoring and adjusting the dosage of medicines to individual patients. Combining sophisticated pharmacokinetic algorithms with a personalized, automated and user-friendly approach the tool is poised to rapidly penetrate the market.
“Most central nervous system disorders are poorly detected before first symptoms appear because of a lack of medical tests to diagnose them appropriately. The need for such tests is therefore great. Early diagnosis could significantly enhance chances for successful treatment, and help in the development of personalized medicine” says Robert Lütjens, founder of the BioLemantis project. During his grant period in the laboratory of Professor Ron Stoop, Centre for Psychiatric Neurosciences, he sets out to establish proof of concept for a new biosensor technology to diagnose autism spectrum disorders.
The InnoTREK grant, organised by the PACTT with the support from the FIT as part of the InnoPACTT fund, sponsors selected researchers at UNIL and CHUV who have the ambition to venture into the business world with their innovative projects. The successful projects are chosen in a competitive process from applications received during the two calls per year. Since the launch in 2014, 9 laureates of UNIL-CHUV have benefited from the InnoTREK grant.
BioInnovation Day returns for its 7th edition on 23 June 2015 at the CHUV in Lausanne. This bi-annual meeting showcases Western Switzerland’s most innovative projects in life sciences coming from academia and early-stage start-ups. This year, 35 entrepreneurs and researchers will present their companies or projects in areas including human therapeutics, medical devices, research tools, digital health and diagnostics. Each presenter will have 5 minutes to pitch their project as well as the opportunity for one-on-one discussions with potential partners, investors and service providers during networking sessions throughout the day.
The meeting will open with a lively panel discussion among venture capital and strategic investors from Neomed, Index Ventures, Omega Funds and Debiopharm Diagnostics.
This event’s programme also offers great opportunities to learn from successful entrepreneurs how to manage a life science start-up and the challenges and solutions to expect along the way. Keynote speakers include Philippe Dro, CEO of GlycoVaxyn and Vincent Charlon, CEO of Anergis.
Details of the event:
Tuesday, 23 June 2015
08:30 – 18:00
Registration opens at 08:30
CHUV, Auditorium César Roux, Rue du Bugnon 46, 1011 Lausanne
Registration fee CHF 100.-
Website: www.bioinnovation.ch
Registration extended until June 16th: Register here
Programme: Click here
Building upon the success of the six previous editions hosted in Geneva and Lausanne, BioInnovation Day 2015 is an opportunity for researchers, scientist-entrepreneurs and early stage start-up ventures to pitch their projects to an audience of peers, venture capitalists, investors and licensing / partnering professionals from industry.
The 2015 edition of the BioInnovation Day will feature a panel discussion with venture capitalists discussing the European venture capital landscape and how to attract venture capital funding. The meeting will also highlight the perspective of the entrepreneur with invited speakers including a new start-up business tracing its origins back to a previous BioInnovation Day pitch and a successful serial entrepreneur. They will present their experiences in transforming innovative research ideas into viable and functional companies.
BioInnovation Day 2015 continues the partnership with the Fondation Eclosion, who has again generously offered the BioInnovation-Eclosion Prize, a cash prize of CHF 10,000 for the most innovative project.
The programme for BioInnovation Day 2015 will consist of three sessions of project pitches featuring projects selected from both academic research and from start-up companies.
BioInnovation Day welcomes registration for projects from academic researchers, scientist-entrepreneurs and start-up companies from Western Switzerland. Projects must be submitted by 18 May 2015 and will be selected by the BioInnovation Day committee. Those selected will be asked to present his or her project in a 5 minute “elevator pitch”.
More information and registration on the website of the event.
Après une première édition à Microcity (EPFL/Neuchâtel) en 2014, la Journée de l’Innovation et des PME revient le 12 mai 2015 au SwissTech Convention Center de l’EPFL. Organisée conjointement par Le Réseau, le Centre Patronal et l’EPFL, l’événement réunit les acteurs de l’innovation, des PME et du monde politique.
Thème 2015 : health valley et innovation dans la santé
Objectifs : sensibiliser les élus et l’administration aux besoins des entreprises et encourager le développement de conditions-cadre favorables à l’innovation.
Au programme :
Des conférences et ateliers
Un salon de start-up
Un espace de réseautage
Des bureaux pour réseauter en privé
Le programme est disponible ICI.
Informations et enregistrement sur le site du réseau
BioInnovation Day is back in Lausanne and will take place on June 23rd at CHUV
The objectives of the Bioinnovation Day are:
Visit the bioinnovation website for more details !