
InnoPACTT: a financial support to create your spin-off

March 17, 2015




You are a UNIL-CHUV scientist

and have a spin-off idea

but no financial support to start it


InnoPACTT image


Apply for a one-year InnoTREK grant to launch your spin-off!

PACTT, Technology Transfer Office of UNIL-CHUV, is calling for spin-off projects for the InnoTREK grant part of InnoPACTT, a financial fund to accelerate innovation and spin-off creation. With this InnoTREK support, PACTT wants to encourage researchers with innovative ideas to jump into the entrepreneurship adventure.

Deadline for application: March 23, 2015

Documents available on:

For more information please contact us on:

Phones:          021.314.39.84


                        021 314.82.19

PACTT is moving to new offices!

March 9, 2015

We are moving on Tuesday, March 10!

During this transition we may be temporarily unavailable and thank you in advance for your understanding.

As of Wednesday 11th you can find us on the 5th floor at Bugnon 21 (same building as before), offices 5004 to 5007.

Calling all Swiss SMEs: Innovation Funding available!

February 4, 2015

The European Framework Programme Horizon 2020 launched last year allocates a substantial part of the total funding to bringing research to the market. Support for SME participation in the programme was stepped up in comparison to the 7th Framework Programme and industrial entities should take advantage of this ‘innovation’ aspect.
Almost all collaborative calls are open to Swiss entities active in RDI. Swiss industry participation is possible and encouraged. Do not hesitate to contact Euresearch in order to find out about the available funding possibilities.

More information


Prix PERL 2015: project call

November 5, 2014

Do you have an  innovative  project or service in the area of Lausanne!

Apply now to win  one of 5 prizes offered by Lausanne Region
