
InnoPACTT: a financial support to create your start-up

August 30, 2021

Autumn CALL 2021

You are a UNIL-CHUV researcher who would like to create a start-up and need a financial support to start?

Apply for a one-year InnoTREK grant of CHF 100’000.- to launch your project!

PACTT, the Technology Transfer Office of UNIL-CHUV, is calling for start-up projects in order to award the InnoTREK grant. As part of the InnoPACTT financial support, the InnoTREK grant is designed to accelerate innovation and UNIL-CHUV spin-off creation, and to encourage researchers with innovative ideas to jump into the entrepreneurship adventure.

Deadline for submission: October 3, 2021

For conditions, registration form and information:


021 314 39 84 / 021 314 82 19



Le PACTT recrute un-e Chargé-e de Valorisation de la Recherche

August 10, 2021

Le Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois (CHUV) est l’un des 5 hôpitaux universitaires suisses. Grâce à sa collaboration avec la Faculté de biologie et médecine de l’Université de Lausanne et l’EPFL, le CHUV joue un rôle de pointe dans les domaines des soins médicaux, de la recherche médicale et de la formation.

Institution d’enseignement et de recherche de premier plan au niveau international, l’UNIL compte près de 5’000 collaboratrices et collaborateurs et 17’000 étudiant·e·s, réparti·e·s entre le campus de Dorigny, et les sites du CHUV, d’Epalinges et de Sion. En tant qu’employeur, elle encourage l’excellence, la reconnaissance des personnes et la responsabilité.

Au cœur d’une activité de recherche dans des domaines diversifiés et d’une médecine de pointe, l’Office de Transfert de Technologies (PACTT) a pour mission de soutenir les chercheurs du CHUV et de l’UNIL dans leurs collaborations de recherche avec l’industrie, de valoriser les découvertes par le dépôt de titres de propriété intellectuelle et de négocier et gérer les contrats de licence avec des partenaires industriels.

Vos missions principales seront les suivantes :

Vous conseillez les chercheurs de l’UNIL et du CHUV au sujet de la propriété intellectuelle
Vous évaluez les inventions et logiciels et élaborez une stratégie de protection et de valorisation
Vous gérez le dépôt des demandes de brevets avec les agents de brevets externes
En collaboration avec le Directeur du PACTT et sur délégation des chargé-e-s de valorisation de la recherche, vous recherchez des partenaires industriels, négociez et en assurez le suivi administratif.

Ce poste s’adresse à une personne disposant des compétences suivantes :

Vous êtes titulaire d’un diplôme universitaire (niveau Master), dans le domaine de l’informatique et génie logiciel ou de la biologie ou de la médecine
Vous êtes au bénéfice d’un post grade en management (MBA, MoT) et avez suivi une formation dans le domaine de la propriété intellectuelle ou compétence équivalente, un atout
Vous êtes au bénéfice du Certificat “Registered Technology Transfer Professional” (RTTP) ou “Certified Licensing Professional” (CLP), un atout
Vous avez une expérience d’au minimum 3-5 ans dans la recherche post-graduée, complétée par une activité dans le secteur industriel
Vous avez une expérience comme licensing manager dans un Office de Transfert de Technologies d’une institution académique ou dans un service de licensing / nouvelles opportunités d’une entreprise privée, un atout
Team player avec capacité de travailler de manière autonome et polyvalente. Vous êtes méthodique et faite preuve de sens du détail et des priorités
Vous avez de l’expérience dans des technologies d’information en lien avec le domaine médical (santé digitale ou imagerie médicale), un atout
Bien organisé-e, proactif-ve, constructif-ve, discret-e et fiable
Vous faites preuves d’entregent et sens de la diplomatie
Vous avez de bonnes capacités de négociation et possédez une solide aisance rédactionnelle
De langue maternelle française ou anglaise avec très bonne maîtrise de l’autre langue, parlé et écrit.

Cahier des charges

Nous offrons
Devenir une collaboratrice ou un collaborateur du Centre hospitalier universitaire vaudois, c’est l’assurance de bénéficier :

De prestations sociales de premier ordre
D’un droit à trois jours de formation minimum par année
De 25 jours de vacances par année
De restaurants d’entreprise de qualité hôtelière, dans chacun des bâtiments de l’institution.

Contact et envoi de candidature
Contact pour informations sur la fonction : Monsieur Jovan Mirkovitch, par téléphone au 021/692.50.13 ou par mail à

Soumettre une candidature


AgroSustain SA closes its series A of CHF 4.8 million to fuel its European launch

July 12, 2021

The UNIL spin-off and InnoTREK alumni AgroSustain, leader in the development of sustainable crop protection solutions, has just announced the successful closing of its Series A financing round.

AgroSustain will use the 4.8 million raised to prepare for the European launch of its natural coating planned for Q1, 2022 and to accelerate the development of novel biological antifungal solutions.

Press release

UCreate3 acceleration program

July 9, 2021

UCreate3 acceleration program from the UNIL’s Entrepreneurial and Innovation HUB is designed for all members of the UNIL community : students, researchers, professors, employees and alumni. This interdisciplinary program is open to the 7 faculties of UNIL and supports all types of projects. Projects with a social and/or environmental impact are specifically encouraged.

Do you have a project that you want to launch? Embark on the entrepreneurial adventure in 2021! The main objective of the UCreate3 program is to encourage, facilitate and accelerate the creation and development of innovative projects. The program is supervised by experts, coaches and trainers who will accompany the participants during 16 weeks.
A co-working space is available at the UNIL Accelerator. All training sessions of the program are held at the Accelerator (if the sanitary situation permits, otherwise they will be held online).

The main goals of UCreate3 :
• Encourage all types of innovative projects, whether they are technological or not
• Accompany and support the selected projects throughout the acceleration process with several training sessions and expert coaching
• Follow up on projects and candidates to increase the potential of success
• Facilitate collaboration within the 7 faculties

The advantages of UCreate3 :
• Take part in training sessions
• Benefit from the support of a dedicated coach
• Improve your skills with experienced entrepreneurs
• Benefit from a network of entrepreneurs
• Receive financial support up to CHF 10,000.- per project
• Access to an office in our co-working space at the UNIL Accelerator (250 m2)

For more information about UCreate3 acceleration program and the next deadline for the call of project please visit

The project miniMarrow hosted at UNIL wins the InnoTREK/FIT grant

July 5, 2021

PACTT is pleased to announce that Dr. Josefine Trawal was awarded the InnoTREK/FIT grant for the project miniMarrow as part of the Spring 2021 FIT’s call of projects candidacy.

Stemming from a technology developed at CHUV, EPFL and UNIGE and applied to a cell therapy, miniMarrow allows the subcutaneous injection of a bio-material cultured with bone marrow cells, enabling the patient himself to produce in-vivo blood platelet. Such type of treatment aims at patient suffering from haematological malignancies such as blood cancers, leukaemias and lymphomas. Such pathologies requires currently 4 to 8 monthly platelet transfusions to the patient. miniMarrow contemplates to achieve the same therapeutic effect with only one monthly injection.

Before participating to the InnoTREK/FIT selection process, the miniMarow team was supported by the Ucreate3 program form the UNIL’s Entrepreneurial and Innovation HUB. Josefine and her team were coached by experts so as to develop entrepreneur’s skills, clarify market needs and setup initial approaches for their business model.

This CHF 100’000 grant will allow Dr Josefine Tratwal to develop further her project and to create a start-up. During this yearly grant, Josefine will be hosted in Professor Olaia Naveiras’ regenerative haematopoiesis research laboratory.

PACTT’s team is proud to support this ambitious project, precursor of a new therapeutic approach with multiple social benefits.

Venture Leaders Technology Roadshow 2021

June 29, 2021

Venture Leaders Technology brings 10 innovative Swiss startups to the Silicon Valley from November 1st to November 6th, 2021 for a week of intensive networking, business development and investor pitching. This will be an exclusive opportunity to get to know investors and international industry experts as a member of the “Swiss National Startup team”.

Until July 18th, 2021 startups will be able to apply for one of the 10 highly coveted slots. The program (worth about 10.000CHF) is organized by Venturelab and supported by EPFL, ETH, DPD, Intel, Kellerhals Carrard, Rothschild & Co and Canton Vaud, facilitating the participation free of charge for the startups.

Information & registration


HAYA Therapeutics raises CHF 18 million

May 21, 2021

Swiss precision medicine biotech Haya Therapeutics is coming out of stealth mode with CHF 18 million in seed funding to boost its anti-fibrotic therapies.

The underlying science was initially conducted by Dr. Samir Ounzain and Professor Thierry Pedrazzini of Experimental Cardiology Unit at CHUV and published in top scientific journals.

The project won support by an InnoTREK grant from the PACTT who protected the lead target sequence WISPER and several additional long non-coding RNAs that were licensed to Haya Therapeutics.
We are thrilled the team is now set to develop the technology to provide promising novel treatment options for patients.

Well done to all the team!

Venture Leaders Biotech Roadshow 2021

April 8, 2021

Venture Leaders Biotech brings 10 innovative Swiss startups to China from September 6th to 10th, 2021 for a week of intensive networking, business development and investor pitching. This will be an exclusive opportunity to get to know investors and international industry experts as a member of the “Swiss National Startup Team”.

Until April 25th, 2021 startups will be able to apply for one of the 10 highly coveted slots. The program (worth about 10.000CHF) is co-organized by Venturelab and swissnex China supported by EPFL, ETH, Vischer and Canton Zürich, facilitating the participation free of charge for the startups.

Program and Registration


InnoPACTT: a financial support to create your start-up

March 4, 2021

Spring CALL 2021

You are a UNIL-CHUV researcher who would like to create a start-up and need a financial support to start?

Apply for a one-year InnoTREK grant of CHF 100’000.- to launch your project!

PACTT, the Technology Transfer Office of UNIL-CHUV, is calling for start-up projects in order to award the InnoTREK grant. As part of the InnoPACTT financial support, the InnoTREK grant is designed to accelerate innovation and UNIL-CHUV spin-off creation, and to encourage researchers with innovative ideas to jump into the entrepreneurship adventure.

Deadline for submission: April 5, 2021

For conditions, registration form and information:


021 314 39 84 / 021 314 49 58 / 021 314 82 19



Biopôle will host the first branch of Superlab Suisse

Superlab Suisse AG, a Zurich-based private company offering the concept – unique in Switzerland – of the Lab as a Service to life sciences companies, is launching its first branch at Biopôle, Lausanne. The centre will open by the end of the second quarter of 2021 and will host up to 15 companies and projects. Through this partnership, Biopôle SA continues its unwavering support for the local innovation ecosystem and the creation and development of young start-ups in the canton of Vaud.

Read more