
Nouvelle perspective de traitement pour le cancer non-musculo invasif de la vessie

June 15, 2020


La signature d’un contrat d’option exclusive entre le CHUV et Prokarium, négocié par le PACTT (Office de transfert de technologies UNIL-CHUV), permettra le développement en partenariat d’un nouveau traitement découvert au Service d’urologie.

L’Unité de recherche du Service d’Urologie du CHUV, dirigée par le Dr Denise Nardelli-Haefliger, a développé un nouveau traitement du cancer de la vessie non-musculo invasif (NMIBC en anglais) basé sur l’immunothérapie. Cette thérapie consiste en l’utilisation d’un vaccin Salmonella administré par voie topique dans le but de stimuler la réponse immunitaire contre la tumeur. (Pour plus de détails, voir les publications annexées). Un essai clinique de phase I avec le vaccin Ty21a est actuellement en cours au CHUV, sous la responsabilité du Prof. Patrice Jichlinski et du Dr. Ilaria Lucca. (Consulter le portail de l’Office fédéral de la santé publique (OFSP) consacré à la recherche sur l’être humain en Suisse)

La valorisation de cette recherche pour le bénéfice des patients, a débuté par le dépôt d’un brevet par le PACTT qui a accompagné les inventeurs (Dr D. Nardelli-Haefliger, Prof P. Jichlinski and Dr. S. Domingos Pereira) tout au long du processus vers la commercialisation.

La signature d’un accord d’option exclusif entre le CHUV et la compagnie de biotechnologie britannique Prokarium constitue une étape clé vers le développement de ce traitement.
Lire le communiqué de press de Prokarium.

Le cancer non-musculo invasif de la vessie touche chaque année 400’000 nouveaux patients dans le monde. Au vu des nombreuses ruptures de stock le traitement de référence, le vaccin Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG), n’est pas disponible pour tous les patients et une autorisation temporaire de Swissmedic permet au Service d’urologie d’offrir un traitement avec Ty21a, le cas échéant.
Le Prof Beat Roth, nouveau Chef du service d’Urologie, se réjouit de poursuivre et développer la recherche et les études de ce nouveau traitement du cancer de la vessie.


Switzerland Innovation Tech4Impact Initiative 1st Call for Proposals

May 19, 2020

The objective of the “Switzerland Innovation Tech4Impact Initiative” is to facilitate and promote the development of ground-breaking innovation projects that focus on real market applications in collaboration with Swiss universities as well as entrepreneurs and SMEs collaborating with research/academic partners.

The first SI Tech4Impact Call for Proposals opens from 18 May until 31 July 2020. The grants (total of max. CHF 530’000 for the first round 2020) are financed by the innovation partners. The SI Tech4Impact initiative will award 5 to 7 selected projects with a one-year project grant ranging from CHF 70’000 – CHF 100’000 each.

More information is available at:



Three InnoTREK grants awarded in 2019

February 10, 2020

In response to the 2019 autumn call InnoTREK, Mrs. Birge Ozel Duygan, Mrs. Loulia Kasem and Mr. Sylvain Perriot submitted three innovative projects. They were all three chosen to benefit individually from the InnoTREK grant of CHF 100’000.-. These funds will be a great help to continue developing their project and subsequently create their own start-up.

The project of Birge Ozel Duygan, named “CellCognize”, concerns incorporation of machine learned classified flow cytometry microbiota data in community diversity assessment.
Mrs Oezel Duygan will be hosted in Prof. Greub’s laboratory at the Microbiology Institute of the CHUV.

The project of Mrs. Loulia Kasem named “Rea” is issue from a work collaboration between the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) and the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). This project concerns a Smart Pad, which resolves a global medical need: inefficient diagnostics of preterm birth.
Rea’s technology is technically and clinically well-balanced and the two cofounders, Loulia Kassem and Erick Garcia Cordero, got simultaneously two grants of the Canton of Vaud : Innogrant of EPFL and InnoTREK of CHUV. Mrs. Kasem will be hosted in Prof. Baud’s laboratory at the Maternity of the CHUV.

The Project of Mr. Sylvain Perriot named “Glial therapeutics” consists of an in vitro model of human brain using stem cells derived from patients, which will be used to screen for drugs against multiple sclerosis. Mr. Perriot will be hosted in Prof. Du Pasquier’s laboratory in the department of clinical neurosciences at the CHUV.

The InnoTREK grant, managed by PACTT with the financial support of FIT (Fondation pour l’Innovation Technologique) as part of the InnoPACTT fund, supports selected researchers of UNIL and CHUV who have the ambition to venture into the business world with their innovative projects. These successful projects are chosen in a competitive process from applications received during the two calls per year. Since the launch in 2013, 19 laureates of UNIL and CHUV have benefited from the InnoTREK grant.

Holiday closing from Dec 24 to Jan 3

December 16, 2019

Due to the coming holiday season, please note that our office will be closed from December 24, 2019 until January 3, 2020.
We will reopen on Monday, January 6, 2020.

PACTT team wishes you a wonderful holiday season!