Autumn CALL 2019 You are a UNIL-CHUV researcher who would like to create a start-up and need a financial support to start? Apply for a one-year InnoTREK grant of CHF 100’000.- to launch your project!
Starting on October 14, 2019, a 4 week online course is jointly organized by the School of Life Sciences, EPFL, and the College of Sciences, San Diego State University :
Experienced instructors from Europe and the US will introduce you to the fundamentals of drug/device development, and the requirements for regulatory and quality compliance. You will have exposure to the requirements in Europe and the US in terms of the approach, the attitude to risk-taking, and the cultural divide.
Advances in biotechnology, medical technology, and information technology give new hope for treating diseases never imagined before. To bring these advances from the laboratory bench to the patient bedside requires training and experience that are not available in academia. This course is intended to fill that gap. It is a four-week interactive course, involving intensive self-study and team-work. The course will bring you close to your future workplace.
Students who successfully complete this course will be able to:
• Describe the major steps of the drug and device development process from bench to bed-side.
• Compare and contrast US and European Union regulatory and quality requirements.
• Discuss the basics of a Quality Management System.
• Develop a Product Profile for a drug/device product or therapy.
• Draft the basic components of a Development Plan for a Phase 1 clinical trial, including a Preclinical Plan, a Clinical Trial Protocol, and CMC (Chemistry, Manufacturing and Controls) Plan.
• Work with other life science professionals on a team.
• Feel more confident about job seeking and job interviews.
Register at
• The course is open to all members of Swiss Academic Institutions. Minimum of a Bachelor degree, in a relevant field, is required to participate
• Members of early start ups, strictly linked to a Swiss University, may be eligible; please contact the organizer
• Price for Non EPFL members is 400 CHF, Price for EPFL members is 200 CHF, Payment online shall be possible from September
• There are limited places; 1st come, 1st served
• Deadline is September 30
Program Director : Kostas Kaloulis
Email :
In its strategic objectives, the Federal Council gives Innosuisse the mandate to support more innovation projects in non-technological areas, given their major interest for the economy. Innosuisse invites you to submit applications for this type of innovation project and to provide your comments on the new information about the various fields in the online application form. Projects submitted before 16 October 2019 can already start this year.
Read more (text in French and German only)
As a result of the partnership between DGES (Direction générale de l’enseignement supérieur) and MassChallenge, students and professors have the opportunity to take part in the MassChallenge courses and workshops.
You will find here the MassChallenge 2019 curriculum. This program has been designed with and for Entrepreneurs & Corporates, with the intent of teaching them the necessary skillset to execute on their business model.
To register for a lecture, please click here. The registration links are in the right-hand column.
Are you interested to develop your business skills by trying out an entrepreneurial project? Do you aspire to make use of your knowledge and creative mind to address a new high-tech venture? The free federal program Business Concept offered by Innosuisse – the Swiss Innovation Agency, is open to application in Lausanne for next September: a 1-semester federal program with weekly evening session on Tuesday.
Get familiar with all the tools needed to successfully launch a start-up project by learning from seasoned entrepreneurs sharing their experiences, success and mistakes. Not only is this a great opportunity to extend your network to entrepreneurs, company executive and investors, it’s also a great way to diversify your profile by acquiring actual business skills.
You will have the opportunity to compose a multidisciplinary team to develop your own innovative start-up project or join a project submitted by other participants.
• Every Tuesday evening mid-September to mid-December 2019
• Course in English
• Competitive admission & certificate upon successful completion of the program
• Contact:
Le Fonds national suisse (FNS) comble une lacune dans son portefeuille d’encouragement: le nouvel instrument Spark met en lumière des idées prometteuses ou audacieuses qui passeraient sinon entre les mailles du filet.
En deux années d’existence, le programme d’encouragement BRIDGE a financé 81 projets situés à l’interface entre la recherche fondamentale et l’innovation basée sur la science. Le FNS et Innosuisse ont ainsi permis la création de 16 start-up.
Have you got a great idea for a novel therapy, a groundbreaking diagnostic, or a whole new way of looking at a disease? Now to put that drive and inspiration to work, and turn your vision into a practical reality, you are searching for the perfect environment to nurture your dream.
Next application date : June 30th 2019